There's been a flurry of activity in South America and on the kanbandev yahoo group this week and some are noted below. 
It's been challenging to get to all the Kanban articles and discussions popping up everywhere. 
If you should come across something worthy of this forum, please call my attention to it.
Why Kanban for Software Engineering matters

Holistic Risk Management?
Mike Burrows (@asplake) suggests we, "... think about where, when and by
whom you want risk to be managed; sucking it all into the dev team may not the best way"

What's the kanban in Kanban?

Using the Mutual Learning Model to achieve Double Loop Learning
by Benjamin Mitchell (@benjaminm)  (50 min)
An entertaining video on learning.  I like the part about,  "The gap is greatest under conditions
of embarrassment or threat.", where the gap in this case is the difference between what you say and what you do.

Collaborative spirit of Kanban

An older post by Karen Greaves, Kanban Evolution, resurfaced on twitter this week.  While some of the terminology
has since changed (ex: "Balance demand against throughput, has been replaced with "Balance demand against capability"),
it's still a nice concise overview of the Kanban Method.

Lean and Kanban for IT Operations:  How well are you performing?!/2011/11/lean-and-kanban-for-it-operations-how.html


David J. Anderson presentation in Rio de Janeiro
1 hr 10 min

Agile and Beyond Conference - Dearborn, MI.  March 10, 2011

Lean Software Systems Conference – Boston May 2012
Lean Software and Systems Conference 2012 Keynote Speakers Announced #lssc12

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