Just Saying...

Just Saying...

Work Validation!!! :-)

Posted: 30 Mar 2012 08:47 PM PDT

This past week I was coming close to throwing in the towel at this temping job.
After a quick discussion with my temp agent, she reassured me, this is MY life and I have to do what is best for me, and all that jazz, that I wouldn't be letting her down etc.

I chatted with the roommate about it, surprisingly very well received and understanding. Was harsh about a couple things, but not a jerk. Progress!

Went into work today with a better mind set for myself after the roommate chat.
I was met with huge friendly smile (as normal) from my PM, after a week of her being away. We were able to chat for about an hour today. Covered all the grounds of what bothers me, and my thoughts on leaving them as the pressure to "know it all" right now was insanely overwhelming.

She laughed at me in that "awwww" kind of way. Grabbed the administrator, the GM and we had a meeting about realistic goals. As it turns out, I've been extremely hard on myself to know it all right now. The GM admitted that my position is actually meant to be a two person position, and the training grace period for my position is actually a year! A whole year. Phew, again.

I learned today that there was a meeting in the downtown offices with our GM, HR and our lawyers in regards to the girls who's medical leave I'm covering. In not so many words, my management team admitted they really did not want her to come back. Her medical claim may be false. In addition to that, they legally have to have "a" position for her, should she choose to return. Doesn't mean she's going to get her old position back.

Over all, it was a much better day, knowing I have time to get to know the quirky in's and outs of this job. So.much.better today.

The feed back they were able to share with me, that they shared with HR today, when asked how I was working out. They really like me. I am a great personally fit, great attitude, even when I have mini melt downs from trying so hard to "get it".  They see the potential I offer in the position, and like what they see. It's a demanding job, I'm not afraid of that, it was all the guessing if I'm doing something right was taxing.

All that makes the commute a little more tolerable. Not to mention should I get hired permanent from temping, the wages will go up roughly 6-8G more than I was making at the Bargle Company for the last 5 years.

Big Breath.

I won't completely relax until the position is offered to me. Until then, I could be let go at any time if the medical leave girl comes back, or gawd forbid, I mess up an account so bad etc.