Geoffrey Moore, a leading high-tech strategist and author of the bestselling Silicon Valley bible Crossing the Chasm, is speaking at Rally's December 6th launch event. His new book, Escape Velocity: Free Your Company's Future from the Pull of the Past, offers a pragmatic plan for established enter prises to move beyond past successes and drive next-generation growth from new lines of business.

We chatted with Geoffrey last week about the focus of Escape Velocity, his thoughts on how companies can capitalize on their portfolio of opportunities, and why he's excited to speak at Rally's Dec. 6 launch event. Watch highlights of our conversation below, and join us next Tuesday to hear Geoffrey talk about how established companies can create and sustain next-generation business growth.

Geoffrey is speaking at the first of three Rally launch events that bring together authors, technology thought leaders and industry peers to discuss how to bridge the gap between development execution and business strategy. Sign-up to join us in-person or via live simulcast:

Tune-in to our December launch events to hear Rally’s big news on the future of portfolio management, and thanks to Geoffrey Moore for giving us a sneak-peek of his keynote.

Ryan Martens is CTO/Founder of Rally Software, a recovering Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the Unreasonable Institute and chief promoter of the Entrepreneurs Foundation of Colorado.